Saturday, 5 April 2008

From the Mouths of Superheroes

J and I spent the day earlier this week in Bournemouth, England with our friends Lisa and Arthur and their kids M and S. The reason for this day-long cross-channel-and-back-again journey?? Lazytown LIVE of course!

Most North Americans are unfamiliar with this popular Icelandic children’s television show. In a nutshell, the main character is a superhero named Sportacus who along with a disturbingly upbeat pre-pubescent girl named Stephanie urge and cajole the normally lazy louts living in Lazytown to eat healthily, exercise regularly and to believe in themselves. They are remarkably positive role models and their acrobatic dancing combined with catchy show tunes have captivated most English-speaking European kids under the age of 8.

So after an enthralling 90-minute live stage show, we took the kids to a park to work off some of the steam built up after a plane ride and the stint in the theatre. Arthur overheard this exchange while the boys were tree-climbing still clad in their Sportacus costumes:

S: “Help, I think I need help climbing this tree”

J: “No you don’t, you’re Sportacus, you’re a superhero and superheros don’t need help climbing trees!”


1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh my, I'd forgotten about that show :) Jack must have been in his glory!