Monday, 6 October 2008

The Pumpkins are Coming, the Pumpkins are Coming

It is now October in Geneva and it's harvest time. It started with the vendange when all the vineyards heavy with grapes were relieved of their juicy burden. It moved on to the orchards and all the pommiers were picked clean of their crunchy treats. For the next month or so, we can stop at the roadside farmstands and buy apples, freshly squeezed juice and cider.

J loved observing the aforementioned unquestionably, but he has been waiting impatiently for the big kahuna of harvests, the pumpkins and squash, or les courges as they are collectively termed in this part of the world.

We have dubbed these freshly picked piles of courges awaiting collection, 'Courge Inuksuks'

The farmers had to lovingly blanket these'Courge Inuksuks' with straw as a frost was anticipated during the night.

A delightful little marché des courges has opened in our village directly across from the 2 largest pumpkin fields to which we make daily pilgrimages. Yesterday, we attended the annual Fête de la courge in Corsier, a neighbouring village, with my friend Mighty Mom and her family.

Wandering row upon row of courges

These are called 'Jack-Be-Little's

J and I enjoying a saucisse lunch at the Fête de la courge in Corsier

The view from Mighty Mom's backyard in Corsier. Looking towards the French Alps and Mont Blanc.


Jen said...

gorgeous photos! we are enjoying perhaps the last glorious weather of the year, but no harvest like yours.....

I will be investing in many jack-be-littles (love the name) for Nate's party....

Esther said...

OMG you and Jack are so photogenic I want to weep. Cute post.

Sheila Cook said...

How lovely that jack is really enjoying the run up to Hallowe'en. My kids started asking in early Sept when it was Hallowe'en and have been asking since. Not sure about it being better than Christmas or Birthdays though. Looking forward to our kids spending time with The Pumpkins...Sx