The Number 8 birthday cake

As an only child, J doesn't have another with whom to share new school fears, or to kick a footy around with after school, or to share bunkbeds with. He has learned to be self-sufficient, curious, and has developed a confidence that I never had. He embraces friends as brothers and sisters, and thankfully, has been socially brilliantly successful.
The "J" club - Josh, J, and Jules
J's favorite gift was a Geelong Cats Footy jersey. The team he barracks for.
J loves his extended family, enjoys hanging out with his parents, spends a lot of time in the company of adults, and never forgets a friend. He is a cool kid who has spent loooooong hours travelling on airplanes without complaint, is learning a love of reading, and speaks French beautifully.
He is strong-willed (not surprising, as my sista reminds me "two goats don't make a sheep"), opinionated, hard-headed, argumentative, occasionally mouthy, funny as hell, and adores his Grandma and dog. I am very proud of this kid, love his heart, and am privileged to be his mother.
He LOVED the birthday party we threw him this past Friday night at a local adventure venue. All the kids he invited showed up and had a ball; there was much laughing and hollering and some very odd Haka thing that followed the 'Happy Birthday' song. I cannot believe J is eight but also cannot wait to live the next year in his company as we embark more fully on our Australian journey.
Such a great birthday party...and truly you have one awesomely wonderful kid there. Happy Birthday Jack.
Wonderful -- happy birthday to your boy and happy birth day to you!
Oliver is thrilled to see Jack is now a Cats fan!
looks like a great party Jack - so sorry we couldn't join you - we miss you all,
love Gina, Joe, Finn and Oliver
What an amazing party! J is awesome. I've told you many a time that he's brilliant. Happy birthday, J! Evelyn, Madelaine, Mrs. Melissa and Mr. Kirk miss you big time.
The Millers
Sorry that I have just read your Blog - I'ze been busy!!! Looks like he had a fab time with his new found australian friends. I'm delighted that he makes friends so easily in whatever country and language he is in at the time. We are also proud to call him our friend. Sheila, Cameron & Skye
Belated birthday wishes to your little man. He sure looks like he had a great birthday and what a happy and well adjusted little guy. But what else could we expect look who his Mother is!!
Love to all the family and Hi to Carole.
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