School started back last week. J began Year 3. It's very strange to have the first day of school on February 2 but we're getting used to it. I haven't blogged much of late as I've been preoccupied with my new obsession, HBO's True Blood. I'm new to the show and I've 4 seasons to catch up with.
Also keeping me busy? For the first time in her nearly fourteen years, my poor Murphy is suffering the indignity of fleas. She's suffering the indignity, I've been suffering the requisite daily vaccuming, washing all bedding, pillows, blankets, and bleaching of floors. My house is clean but smells like a pool. Don't know where she picked them up from but a dog beach we took her to shortly after our return from Canada is high on my list of suspects. Apparently, it's a very common occurrence in Australia but my poor girl is mighty uncomfortable. Still, ewwww....
J raced at a school swimming carnival today. Swimming carnivals or organized competitions are very popular in this swimming-mad nation. Considering, he's only been swimming proper strokes for a couple of months, he finished with a rather impressive booty of ribbons including a first in 50m freestyle, a second in 50m butterfly, and a third in 50m backstroke. Comes by it naturally from me, clearly.
Yesterday, I finally went to Melbourne's massive and iconic Queen Victoria market with my friend Emilie. She goes every week so knows the lay of the land so to speak. My quest was for armfuls of late summer basil as it is pesto-making time of the year. My mission was successful and after school today, J and I prepared to make a batch of our favorite stuff.
Unfortunately, my North American food processor didn't like the transformer we have, so we, horrors!, had to make it the old-fashioned way with a mortar and pestle. My Italian ancestors would have been impressed. However, before, you are all too amazed, we made enough for dinner, and are borrowing my mate Kerry's food processor tomorrow to make the rest. Too much damn work!
Didn't end up too bad eh? These beautifully dried basil leaves are waiting their destiny with the food processor tomorrow! Apologies for the poor quality of the photographs, don't blame C2, these were taken with my phone.
We had a terrific weekend, C2 was home for four whole days and we "profitez'ed" by getting out for some mountain biking with J in the Dandenongs region of Melbourne. That was followed by an amazing adults-only meal with our new friends, Kellie and Paul, at Da Noi, a Sicilian/Sardinian restaurant on trendy Toorak Road. It was a six-course fixed menu based on the chef's whim of the day. Old sheep would not normally be one of my preferred epicurean adventures but it was sublime and will be a memorable anecdote for some time!
Sunday was slow, late breakfast, lots of newspaper reading, many coffees. A perfect end to the week.
I've been wondering where you were :) Congrats to J, long distance hugs to Murphy, and yum to the pesto!
I am so impressed with the homemade pesto! Bravo to Jack - you really should tell him of your swimming experiences at "Malibu Beach!" x
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